وراء الحدث: بريطانيا رفضت الإعتذار عن وعد بلفور

قناة الغد بتاريخ ٢/١١/٢٠١٧ https://youtu.be/4OsVJKw7HfI

Interview with RTUK about Balfour Centenary

I was interviewed by RTUK about the Centenary of the Balfour Declaration on 2/11/2017 https://youtu.be/evZb4hNcocc

What if Wales had been offered to the Jews as a homeland?

First published by the Middle East Eye on 1/11/2017 #Balfour One hundred years ago, the Balfour Declaration backed Palestine as a Jewish homeland. Imagining if history had taken another turn offers a fresh perspective.   On 2 November 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild, a prominent zionist, which …

Continue reading What if Wales had been offered to the Jews as a homeland?

بريطانيا تحتفل بمئوية بلفور والفلسطينيون يطالبونها بالإعتذار

مشاركتي ببرنامج عين على فلسطين بمناسبة مئوية بلفور على قناة المغاربية بتاريخ ١/١١/٢٠١٧ https://youtu.be/K4PCMQzZmM8

If only Boris Johnson would write an ‘alternative’ article on the Balfour Declaration centenary

First published by the Middle East Monitor on 31/10/2017 UK British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson [Financial Times/Flickr] When it came to BREXIT, the now Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson wrote one article for, and another against, leaving the EU, to help him make up his mind. When this emerged, he explainedit like this: “Everybody was trying to …

Continue reading If only Boris Johnson would write an ‘alternative’ article on the Balfour Declaration centenary