Interview on British Muslim TV

My interview with Muhammad Shafique on British Muslim TV on 31/1/2024 Please click on link below

Palestinian Communities and Solidarity Groups in Europe

By Kamel Hawwash First published in This Week in Palestine on 1 June, 2023 Palestinians around the world and their supporters recently commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Nakba (Catastrophe), during which British Lord Balfour’s promise materialized and a homeland was established for Jews in Palestine, albeit against the will of the Palestinian people. Israel …

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The UK sustains Israel’s ongoing Nakba against the Palestinians

My interview with Palestine Deep Dive on 13/5/2023

Palestinian leadership: Now the people must decide

First published in the Middle East Eye on 13/10/2022 A true change in leadership cannot be achieved by simply replacing the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas with one of his cronies The wrong question to ask now is who should succeed President Mahmoud Abbas, pictured in Ankara on 23 August 2022 (AFP) The question of succession …

Continue reading Palestinian leadership: Now the people must decide

Nakba 73: Memories of 1948

Honoured to have facilitated this conversation with Dr Ghada Karmi and Dr Salman Abu Sitta This was held on 10 May 2021

Interview: UNRWA Runs Out of Money

I joined Waqar Rizvi on Scope to discuss UNRWA’s financial difficulties on 28/11/2020 The interview starts 13 minutes into the programme

With Israeli talk of annexing the Jordan valley, does anyone worry about peace?

First published by the Arab weekly on 26/1/2020 Netanyahu has indicated that he would use the gathering of world leaders in Jerusalem to urge that they impose sanctions on the ICC. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem on January 19. (AFP) Last September, Israeli Prime Minister …

Continue reading With Israeli talk of annexing the Jordan valley, does anyone worry about peace?

The Palestinian voice will be heard at the Labour conference

First published by the Middle East Monitor on 21/9/2019 John Bercow, the speaker of the UK’s House of Commons, will be standing down soon. He has been an animated figure, whose gesticulations and dressing downs of MPs have left a mark with viewers all over the world. At the height of the continuing Brexit saga, …

Continue reading The Palestinian voice will be heard at the Labour conference

Canada’s move to label settlement wines is a positive step. Much more is needed

First published by the Middle East Eye on 2/8/2019 The global community must take action to remind Israel and its US backers of the vital importance of international law One wine in question is made by Shiloh Winery, based in a West Bank settlement (AFP) In what is one of their darkest hours, Palestinians are …

Continue reading Canada’s move to label settlement wines is a positive step. Much more is needed

Seven decades after the Nakba the UNRWA is more vital than ever before

Fir1st published by TRT World on 16/5/2019 As they commemorate the Nakba, or 'catastrophe', Palestinians see the UNRWA as a vital ingredient in the struggle for freedom, justice and equality. Today, May 15, the Palestinian people are once again commemorating the Nakba, or ‘catastrophe’, which marked their dispossession and expulsion for the Zionist movement to fulfil …

Continue reading Seven decades after the Nakba the UNRWA is more vital than ever before